What It Takes to Support a Loved One with FASD
This photovoice project was undertaken by the Family Advisory Committee of the Canada Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Research Network to describe the experiences and the challenges faced by
those supporting loved ones with FASD. Photovoice is a method of bringing forth the voice of those who
are typically marginalized. It is a process by which people can act as recorders and potential catalysts for
social action and change. The Family Advisory Committee chose the photovoice technique to
communicate both their experiential knowledge and the research knowledge on both the challenges and
rewards in supporting individuals with FASD. This photovoice project highlights several themes that are
consistent with the results of caregiver research and provide a glimpse into the experience of those
supporting loved ones with FASD. Through this type of knowledge translation the Family Advisory
Committee hopes to enhance policy maker and service provider understanding of the necessity of
providing support and services not only to the individual with FASD but to those who support them as