
  • Vol. 19 No 1 (2024)

    Twenty years after publishing its first issue, it is with deep gratitude to all the authors, editors, contributors and readers that we announce this is the final First Peoples Child & Family Review issue. In the very first issue of the FPCFR published in 2004, Dr. Cindy Blackstock wrote in the foreword:

    "There can be no more important knowledge than that which guides the care of our children. Precious always, perhaps even more precious now because together, as Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples, we have before us the responsibility to create a relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children based on respectful coexistence as distinct and valued peoples."

    This precious knowledge graciously shared with the FPCFR formed the journal’s mission: to centre Indigenous knowledges, perspectives and voices that promoted innovation in matters affecting First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children, families, and communities. This work may have been unexpected in other academic journals, but it ultimately created space in the academic world for the knowledge, perspectives, and voices of Indigenous peoples.

    This final issue represents the best of FPCFR’s work over the past 20 years, with articles and videos offering critical perspectives on the wellbeing of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children and young people.

  • Vol. 18 No 1 (2023)

    Volume 18, Issue (1) of the First People Child and Family Review is a special issue published in partnership with the NSW/ACT Aboriginal Legal Service, Jumbunna and Law, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), and the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) Australia. The articles in this special issue focus critically on the important role of Indigenous voices in child protection decision-making, including the need for Indigenous peoples’ control in child protection service design and ways for Indigenous peoples’ authority and expertise to be embedded in child protection laws and policy.

  • Vol. 17 No 1 (2022)

    Volume 17, Issue (1) of the First People Child and Family Review puts forward articles that disrupt Westernized approaches in social work and counselling practices to provide systemic solutions that integrate cultural wellness and lived experiences from Métis and First Nations, and non-Indigenous expressions. Although written separately, the articles interconnect in ways that cover professional duties, critical self-reflection, and how to best support First Nations, Inuit, and Métis wellbeing and provide equity-based and culturally respective care. The authors encourage readers to act and revise their practices within their respective environments that impact First Nations, Inuit, and Métis wellbeing in Canada.

  • Volume 16, Issue 1 (2021) of the First Peoples Child & Family Review Vol. 16 No 1 (2021)

    This Special Edition by Children and Youth honours Shannen Koostachin and Shannen's Dream for safe and comfy schools. In this issue, kids and youth learn from Shannen’s experience and action, explore the unfair ways First Nations kids are still treated by Canada, and articulate the change that is needed to ensure all First Nations kids and youth have the opportunity to pursue their dreams. The young authors in this issue remind us that children and youth understand colonial injustice and deserve opportunities to meaningfully participate in the learning and action required to end it. It is essential that we centre, learn from, and stand with youth like Shannen and the authors in this issue.

  • Volume 15, Issue 2 (2020) of the First Peoples Child & Family Review Vol. 15 No 2 (2020)

    Ce numéro de la Revue des enfants et des familles des Premiers Peuples présente six articles sur divers sujets qui démontrent la résilience collective des communautés autochtones, le regain de vitalité des visions du monde et des modes de vie autochtones et la capacité des communautés autochtones et non autochtones à collaborer dans la poursuite de la justice, de l'équité et du mieux-être holistique des familles et des communautés autochtones.

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